The heart of any exceptional meal lies in the entrée: the epitome of culinary artistry, flavor, and creativity. Here, delve into recipes prepared from fresh ingredients. These entrées are inspired by food availability, local produce, and gardens. Begin with our Chicken with Cream Sauce or Chicken with Sweet Cashew Sauce.

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Cottagecore Inspired Entrées

Cottagecore cuisine is characterized by its emphasis on simplicity, seasonal ingredients, and a connection to nature. Here are some of our cottagecore-inspired dishes that capture the essence of rustic, wholesome cooking.

Seasonal Entrées

Seasonal entrées are dishes that feature ingredients that are in season. Ingredients are at their peak freshness and flavor during a specific time of the year. Produce and other ingredients are locally available and typically more abundant, resulting in better taste and nutritional value.

Holiday Entrées

Holiday-inspired entrées are often festive, indulgent, and perfect for special occasions. These holiday-inspired dishes are simple to make and do not require any complex equipment.

Cooking Resources

Use these additional cooking resources to help you easily improve the flavor and texture of your dishes. Expand your knowledge with the Culinary Herbs and Spices glossary, Cups to Grams Conversion Chart, and articles on Salt and Pepper.